What is the way to improve bleed…

There are two types of thalassemia. Decrease in alpha chain synthesis is called thalassemia A, and decrease in β chain synthesis is called thalassemia b. The total normal platelet count of Taiwan has about 5% of thalassemia A and 1% of B thalassemia. anemia.

How to treat

Generally, patients with thalassemia do not need treatment. If it is complicated by iron deficiency anemia, it must be evaluated by a doctor and supplemented with iron. The treatment of severe β-thalassemia includes blood transfusion, iron excretion therapy, cardiac function monitoring, splenectomy, bone marrow transplantation, and psychological support.

Aplastic anemia

Dysplastic anemia is a bone marrow failure disease that results from abnormal hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow, which prevents the bone marrow from producing sufficient blood cells. Symptoms include pale, but no palpitations or wheezing easily. In addition, the patient also has an insufficient number of white blood cells and platelets.

According to the degree of bone marrow hematopoietic failure, it can be divided into three categories: “very severe”, “severe” and “non-severe”. patients with non-severe types may also deteriorate into severe types during treatment. Minor cases require regular follow-up, and severe cases require blood transfusion. The real life-threatening causes include bleeding caused by low platelets, infection caused by low white blood cells, and even sepsis.


There are two main types of treatment methods:

Supportive therapy, receiving appropriate blood transfusion and antibiotics, red blood globulin production as a stimulant treatment to reduce the symptoms of infection and bleeding.

Bone marrow transplantation (hematopoietic stem cells) and immunosuppressive drug therapy, such as immunoglobulin, cyclosporine, steroids, etc.

Taiwan’s medical system lists aplastic anemia as a serious disease that requires long-term treatment and may be life-threatening.